For over 20 years, Christianson Tutorials has been helping students realize their full potentials on the SAT and ACT through one-on-one tutoring. Tutoring enables us to craft how we teach the content and strategies to match the unique learning style and personality of each of our students. While tutoring is not the right solution for all of our students, it consistently produces much greater score increases compared to regular classes. There is simply no way to customize the learning process when you are teaching 15 students. When is tutoring the right solution? Tutoring is effective when the student is committed to staying engaged in the tutoring session and to completing homework assignments.
While you are hiring us to be the experts (and we are), parental involvement is still very helpful in the success of the program. It is recommended that towards the end of the session, the parent(s) ask the tutor for an update and the homework assignment for the next tutoring session. Parental involvement can range from simply monitoring the progress of the child to actually proctoring tests and reinforcing vocabulary words and grammar. While many teenagers are resistant to parental involvement, finding the right mix of involvement can maximize the score increase. Stay proactive and ask the tutor if you can support the tutoring process in any way.